News and Notes

Class feedback Andover August 3, 2020

Posted: 08/03/2020
Hello Bud, I took the ServSafe class today in Andover with Breanne Mullen and wanted to let you know that she did a great job teaching the material. Very thorough and very high energy. She covered an amazing amount of material in such a short time. It was very informative. Sincerely, Chris ....

UPDATED: Fresh Express’s cyclospora outbreak now spans eight states and three provinces

Posted: 07/10/2020
By News Desk on July 9, 2020 Editor’s note: Late this afternoon the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its patient count for this outbreak. The U.S. patient count has topped 500, now standing at 509. A troublesome Cyclospora outbreak continues to grow in North America with 37 confirmed cases in....


Posted: 07/08/2020
Coronavirus is on everyone's mind as its effects are being felt around the world. We're all concerned for the health and safety of our families, friends, and colleagues. Please know that we at ServSafe are taking all necessary measures to safeguard our staff while ensuring that your food safety needs can be met. We are taking enhanced steps....

Fresh Express salad recall includes 90 products — all from same plant

Posted: 06/30/2020
Check it out! ....

Dried cranberries recalled in Quebec for E. coli O157:H7

Posted: 06/24/2020 ....

Time to...Keep It Safe!

Posted: 06/24/2020

Time To ServSafe...Live Classes Are Back!

Posted: 05/05/2020
LIVE CLASSES ARE BACK Stay Safe, Stay Healthy with Proper Physical Distancing! Live classes are back! We are keeping our class sizes very small to help insure proper social (physical) distancing. Be sure to book your class date soon so you do not lose your spot. There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way....

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy!

Posted: 04/02/2020
CORONAVIRUS What Can You Do? The next 30 days are paramount to help control the spread and 'flatten the curve' Stay Home, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy! There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends....

Coronavirus updates

Posted: 03/12/2020
CORONAVIRUS. What Can You Do?   There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, CDC always recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including: Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Avoid touching....

NJ food handler with Hep A likely responsible for illnesses/death

Posted: 08/27/2019
NJ food handler worked with hepatitis A infection; 27 confirmed sick, 1 dead By News Desk on August 27, 2019 A food handler infected with hepatitis A who worked at New Jersey’s Mendham Golf and Tennis Club is likely responsible for 27 illnesses including one death. The outbreak, traced to the infected food handler who worked at the Mendham....
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